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Motocamp Las Legas in Austria

Inviato: sabato 16 ottobre 2004, 17:11
da routemaster
Want to take your bike to Austria? This looks like a GREAT place to use as a home base!
We are a Motorcycle Campgrounds in Styria - Austria
Open to Bikers Year Round.
This is a whole town just for bikers,
If ever you're down in these parts be sure to stop in.
We are always here & always open.
I hope you will check out our web sites. Have a look around the town.
We welcome all bikes!

Inviato: domenica 17 ottobre 2004, 22:49
da attila
Ciao "routemaster",

welcome! :welcome:

apart advertising, tell us something more about you and your initiatives! ;-)

p.s.: wonderful contry yours!

Motocamp Las Legas in Austria

Inviato: lunedì 18 ottobre 2004, 1:17
da routemaster
30. 04 2005
12 Uhr

Routemaster`s Bike Saison Opening

Start: Freizeitgelände "Lipizzaner Franzl"
8081 Heiligen Kreuz am Waasen
Motorradsegnung mit Pfarrer Meinhard, 1.Motorradpfarrer in Tirol
Parade nach Bad Radkersburg
Free Camping im Motocamp Las Legas

04. - 07. August 2005

Styrian Bikeweek 2005
In: A-8471 Spielfeld
The Top Bike Event in the Styria-Austria!

int. Live bands:
Vrane, Kroatien
Kiss, Hungaria
Spejbl´s Helprs, ACDC-Recoverband from the Czech republic

Tours, Demo Rides, Gogo Tent, Stuntshows,......

More info under the web site!

Free Entry!!!!!!!!

In: 8471 Spielfeld
Wo: Motocamp Las Legas
12.- 14. August 2005
Das Weinfest im Motocamp Las Legas mit den besten Winzern aus der Steiermark und Slowenien.
Musikprogramm und Kulinarisches bei freien Eintritt!

Inviato: domenica 19 dicembre 2004, 17:24
da Ospite
Frohe Weihnachten und ein guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!

Tanti Auguri di Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo a Tutti
A presto!

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2005

Regards and Respect
Routemaster and Anni

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