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Dimensions and a diagram for Vacuum lines

Inviato: venerdì 8 ottobre 2021, 16:23
da amolea
Hello fellow Capo riders,

Anyone has a diagram with all vacuum lines and dimensions? Part of you already knows I started rebuilding my "old" Capo and it seems some vacuum lines are not okay positioned. Also after so many years I want to change it to be sure all are okay. Dimensions I'm looking for: inner diameter of the lines, from your experience what is more okay to use: rubber, Teflon or silicone pipe?
Today I started the bike after more or less 8 years and I observed the engine not staying at idle, also during acceleration there are some gaps. Vacuums are messed, I already saw vacuum line between airbox, ECU and throttle is in wrong position, now connect other vacuums ... sure not the airbox.

Thanks !